
Gajeel Redfox Xreader Chapter 6

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Gajeel Redfox xreader chapter 6
(a few weeks after “you know what” and few more time sense, you were at the guild)
Gajeel held you close from behind with his forehead resting on your shoulder “Did you pick one out yet?” He asked impatiently as you tried to pick out a job for you and him to go on
“I’m workin on it hold your horses” the said back to him
You read the job posters one by one, now purposely annoying Gajeel
The doors to the guild opened and everyone went silent, you just brushed it off and continued what you were doing and Gajeel continued to rest his head on your shoulder
“I’m looking for (name)!” you heard a familiar voice say
Gajeel lifted his head and you turned to see your father
“D-Dad?” you said and the man looked at you, he was defiantly your father
You broke away from Gajeel’s arms and ran into your father’s in tears
“W-What are you doing here!?” You sobbed
“Makarov wrote to me, he said that I should come to see you, especially now that you have learned air magic” He said hugging you as tight as he could “I am so proud of you”
You looked up at your father and he kissed your cheek and wiped away your tears
Everyone in the guild cheered for you and you and your father smiled together
Gajeel approached you and your dad and cleared his throat
You gave a big smile “Dad this is Gajeel, Gajeel this is my dad (dad’s name)”
Gajeel and your dad shook hands “It’s nice to meet you sir” Gajeel said politely shaking his hand
“It’s nice to meet you young man, I’m just going to guess that you are (name)’s boy friend?” You father said letting go of Gajeel’s hand
You and Gajeel both blushed “Yes sir I am” He said looking back at your dad
“Well I am glad she chose someone who is so strong, Iron Dragon Slayer” you dad said kind of sarcastically “And don’t be surprised by the fact that I knew who you were, I know more than I look like I do”
“Are you mad at me dad?” you asked quietly
“Of course not, I’m actually happy for you, but I did come here to talk to you about something important, alone” You father grabbed your arm and drug you away from Gajeel and out to the back of the guild, everyone stared and Gajeel just stood there confused and concerned
“It’s alright Gajeel, (name)’s father was once part of the Fairy Tail Guild before he lost his magic powers due to (name)’s mother, but he has them back now, and he wants to teach (name) how to use her magic properly” Makarov  said quietly to Gajeel
“But if he has his powers back then that means (name)’s mother is…” Gajeel was cut off
“Yes, she is dead” Guildarts said interrupting the conversation “(Name)’s father is like a bother to me, we grew up together, I killed her mother, he asked me to” He walked away and outside to where you and your dad were
((With you and your dad))
“Mother is dead isn’t she?” You asked silently
“Yes” Your father said plainly
“Who?” you asked
“Guildarts. I asked him too” Your eyes widened
“Why!? You know I have been waiting so long to do it myself!” you shouted at your father
“She would have killed you!” He shouted back
“You don’t know that!” You again shouted back to your father
Guildrats walked up “I see this isn’t going over well” He said
“(name) Guildarts and I grew up together, he helped you, he helped us, you could at least be grateful” your father’s voice was calmer now
“I-I just wanted to do it myself” You said softly
“As stubborn as your father” Guildarts said “It wasn’t easy (name) at one point I didn’t think I could do it, but I did, and now you are free>”
“Free?” you said softly “I’m free?” You looked up at your father and Guildarts smiling “I’M FREE!”
“Don’t get too excited (name), we have a lot of work to do, you still have to learn Earth, and be prepaid for assassins from your mother’s guild to show up here, they’ll want revenge” your father stood sternly before you “Time to learn (name) I can finally teach you the magic that was taken from me”
“Guildarts go get Gajeel” Your father said with a smirk
Guildarts nodded and left
“Now (name) it’s time to learn” Your father stomped one foot and the Earth below you shook and began to cave in but just in time you used your air to fly upwards “Not enough (name)!” your father shouted also using air to fly up in front of you “Attack me!”
“No!” You shouted lowering yourself down. Gajeel was now out watching the whole thing
“Do it (name) attack me!” He seemed angry something you have never seen in him before, it scared you, but this time you listened
You landed on the ground and gathered water into your fists, by now the entire guild was outside watching
“Shouldn’t we stop them!?” Lucy asked Makarov
“Nope, thus needs to happen, (name) need to know how to fight better, she’s a good fighter but once the Death’s Head Guild show up she will need every skill available to her” Was Makarov’s answer to Lucy, who was still nervous about the whole thing
“AWE MAN I WANT TO FIGHT (NAME)!” Natsu shouted fire spitting from his mouth “IT’S NO FAIR”
You and your father’s fight continued dodging and blocking, but no hit from you yet, he had hit you multiple times
“BE A MAN (NAME)!” of course this was Elfman rooting for you
Finally without realizing it you used Earth magic! You through a punch that you wanted to have fire behind but something happened and your eyes went from red to green signaling the change in element, and with one last pun to your father’s face with Earth to back it up he was sent flying into the side of the Guild
“DO NOT DESTROY MY GUILD!” shouted Makarov
“Oh no” you said softly running over to your dad’s side “Dad I’m sorry I didn’t mean to I just was I’m sorry!”
“awe man that’s going to leave a mark” Your father held his head and sat up “You’re better than I thought you were, I am so proud of you, and don’t worry I’m not mad” You helped him stand up
“Let’s, let’s go get you some water” You examined his head “and maybe an ice pack” You both laughed and walked into the guild
((Time skip)) a few days later
“Fight me!” Natsu shouted
“No!” You shouted back
Natsu made his fists into flames and you began to swirl water
“THAT’S ENOUGH” Erza shouted and you both grabbed a hold of each other in fear
“YES MA’AM!” You both shouted
“(name) where is Gajeel?” Pangtherlily asked
“Oh he’s with  my dad talking” You gave a smile
“About?” He asked again
“Hmmm” you thought “I have no idea
Erza, Lucy, Wendy, and Carla all gave suspicious smirks
((Flash back))
[Gajeel’s POV]
I walked into the guild looking for anyone who could help me, I decided Mira would work for now
“Mira” I said and she turned to look at me
“Oh hello Gajeel” She said with her big smile “where is (name)?”
“She and Juvia are practicing their water magic together, but I need some help”
She narrowed her eyes “whit what?”
“I need to find (name) a ring….a special ring” I said softly so no one else would here
“Oh Gajeel that’s wonderful!!” Mira shouted and everyone one looked our way
I sighed, I should have known that this was going to happen “I can ask Lucy” I said and got up
She giggled “Good luck!”
I walked over to Lucy and the others “Hey, I need some help” They all looked back up at me “From Lucy” they all seemed surprised that I was there to talk to Lucy, but the look on Erza’s face told me that she knew
“What do you need help with Gajeel?” Lucy asked me
“Come ladies we will help Gajeel!” Erza stood up and grabbed Lucy, Wendy, and Carla
“Hey why can’t we help!” The little fire breath bastard shouted
“Because you’ll ruin it!” I shouted back
“Now boys be nice” Erza glared making us both stiffen “Let’s go”
I had no other choice but to fallow Erza as she drug the other girls with her, it was awkward but I knew I need their help to find (name) the perfect engagement ring
((End of flash back))
[back to your POV]
Erza and pantherlily began to flight, its fun to watch them
I sat at the table with the others just relaxing, so much anxiety the past few days, it was nice to just sit and do nothing with my friends
((Gajeel and your dad))
“I need to ask you something” Gajeel said taking the small ring box out of his pocket. But before he could ask your father already knew the question
“So you want to marry (name) do you?” Your father asked Gajeel
“Yeas sir I do, I love her more than anything” He replied
Your father sighed “I guess I have no other choice but to say….yes” Your father looked Gajeel in the eyes
“thank you sir! You don’t know what this means to me! I promise to always protect her and to treat her well and to love her!” Gajeel was excited your father had said yea. He took your father’s hand firmly and shoot it “You won’t be disappointed sir”
Gajeel ran back into the guild
“Well, at least he’s a dragon slyer” Your father said to himself
((Back to you))
Gajeel saw you sitting and talking with the others, it was nice to see you so relaxed
Pantherlily’s and Erza’s fight was just about over, Gajeel sat next to you and put his arm around your shoulder
“What did you guys talk about?” You asked with a sweet smile
“Nothing important” He said, but you knew it was
“Tell me” you sang and leaned closer
“It wasn’t anything important so there’s no point” He said trying to hide his excitement
“Oh come on it has to be important if you had to talk in private” you pouted
“Well I can’t tell you now, but I promise that I soon will” He tried to make it seem better
“Fine” You continued to pout
The fight was over, a draw mainly because pantherlily turned small again
Erza gave Gajeel a look and her mouthed “He said yes” to her and she gave a big smile, which you saw and became even more confused
“Come on let’s get out of here” Gajeel said urging you to stand up
“Oh well, ok I guess” You agreed and stood up. Gajeel walked with his arm around you out of the guild
Once you left and Erza called the coast clear she shouted “Alright everybody listen up! When (name) and Gajeel come back here tonight we have to give them the best congratulations party anyone could ask for! Gajeel is going to ask (name) to marry him! Let’s get this party set up to show our support!!”
Everyone shouted and began to get rowdy in excitement and they worked together to make preparations
Gajeel walked with you to South Gate Park to the big tree. He brought you into a loving embrace and kissed you gently
“(name) there is something I have to ask you” He said softly, your heart pounded, as if it was like the first time you kissed him here
“W-What is it?” You asked as soft as he spoke
He let you go from the embrace and got down on one knee “(name) I love you so much” He started “Please will you…” he opened a small box with a (Silver/gold) diamond ring in it “Marry me?”
Your hands cupped your mouth in surprise and tears began to well up in your eye “YES!” You shouted
With a big smile Gajeel slipped the ring onto your left ring finger and stood up holding your hands still
He lifted you into the air by your waist and you let out a surprised squeal and supported your upper body with your hands on his shoulders. He spun you around joyously. He sat down in the grass under the tree with you in his lap, kissing each other for the longest time without any words
“Gajeel” You said softly as the kiss ended “I have to find my sister before we can get married, I hope you understand”
He looked into your (color) eyes “I wouldn’t ask you to, I know how much she means to you, we will find her I promise”
You smiled and laid your head on his chest “Thank you….Gajeel. I love you”
“No (name) Thank YOU, and I love you too” he held you close
((Small Time Skip))
Back at the guild everyone scrambled to get things ready, food, drinks, and music was being set up for your and Gajeel’s arrival.
You and Gajeel walked hand in hand back to the guild so you could show the girls, even though they already knew, but you didn’t know that
You opened the doors to the guild, it was dark inside “were is ever….”
“CONGRATULATIONS!” everyone shouted cutting you off and the light turned on
You and Gajeel were both surprised, he had no idea they were going to do this
Elfman began to cry “A REAL MAN CRIES WHEN IT COMES TO TRUE LOVE!!” He balled
You couldn’t help but laugh
“Well you two, congratulations, I wish you the best” Makarov walked up
“Thank you master” Gajeel said and you nodded
The rest of the night you partied, drank, ate, and sang. Gajeel even got his white suit on and guitar and got up on stage, just like the first time you saw him
It was perfect, all your friends, your father, all you were missing was your sister, but you knew she was safe
“Those Fairies killed our mistress” said one of the death’s head guild members
“Yeah, we should show them how we feel about it” Another said as they both laughed devilishly
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foxytoychicalove's avatar
elfman XD a real man cries at true love XDD